
Friday, April 1, 2011

Staples to Stitches

After tediously surfing my heats all last week with 8 staples in my head I arrived on the North shore in time to finally take them out. After two days of surfing really fun waves over here, I paddled out at pipe yesterday morning. It was solid 8-10 feet. Everyone was going left, so I dodged wash-through sets and picked up a few backdoor waves. I had two fun ones as well as a few pretty meager lefts. It started to rain and I decided to get one in. A big peaky backdoor one came and I was right in the spot for it. As I bottom turned around the white water the wave caught my inside rail and I belly flopped half way up the face. The wave proceeded to suck me up to the lip and then toss me out into the flats. Instead of landing on water, I went through what felt like 1 foot of water and slammed straight onto reef catching my fall with my left foot. My ankle and knee went semi numb while I was at victim to the wave dragging me across the reef. I hurried to make sure my ankle wasn't broken, but noticed a few pretty nice gashes in it. Sure enough I went to the ER and got 4 stitches in one of them and left looking like a mummy. I was planning on wrapping it with duct tape today and surfing but I could barely walk this morning due to hitting my ankle so hard...


  1. Ew. Not sure what I'm looking at but looks heavy.

  2. Good wipeouts for the TransWorld movie!!

  3. IS that your heel s few inches towards your toes?? And you ankle a few inches above the gash?? That would be my best guess

  4. it's the gash is just to the right of that round bone on my ankle....

  5. Wow.what's next? Lol hope ya get better.

  6. Ahwe, hope you feel better soon.

  7. so minorr suck it up conner!!
