OverviewSo we have come up with an idea. The Young Wise Tails art contest. Through this art Contest, we are hoping that all of you artists, non-artists, doodlers, whatever you want to be called, will be aroused to participate in designing a Young Wise Tails logo. We thought about putting parameters on what you guys could come up with, but figured that was stupid. Artists are artists because art has no guidelines. Obviously if you email us some X rated drawing that belongs on a cartoon porn website, we might enjoy it, But unfortunately we won't be able to post it. However, R rated should be O.K but will be open to discretion. With this in mind, we thought we would give you a bit of an "example" that we came up with. Remember, we aren't artists and we threw this together real quick. We do think this is a pretty interesting angle for a design though. Feel free to take this and run with it, but once again, don't feel restricted to this at all.
Our example tried to take use of the jaw/neck area forming a Y, the breasts forming a W, and the bikini forming the T (quite appropriately being that that is where the term tail originated). So basically to sum up the rules, there are no rules except for the appropriateness of your design. Oh and as far as the length of the contest, Plan on having your final design submitted by July 15th. Spread the word to your friends because if it gets big, we will have the ability to up the prizes and make it a more interesting contest!
What's in it for you?
Well, we have put a lot of thought into this part of it. Finally, we came up with it. We will be putting up 500 dollars for the winner of the contest as well as some gear from Hurley and Volcom, and two pairs of shades (one from Oakley and one from spy). To win this, all you have to do is design a killer logo and give us the rights to use it wherever our minds desire. We want to be clear that whoever wins the contest will sign over the rights for us to use the logo in return for the prize package.
Once your master piece is complete, send it on over to us. We have created an email account for this purpose, youngwisetails@yahoo.com. Include your name, how we can contact you, and of course your design. If you don't have the capability or resources to email your design, send us an email letting us know that you want to submit something and we will give you an address to mail it to. FYI we are not putting any limit on the number of submittals a certain individual can turn in. We will post all of the submittals on this page as we receive them. If you have any other questions, ideas, concerns, whatever it may be, email us at youngwisetails@yahoo.com
The judging will occur the week after the entry deadline. Parker and I will have a final say in the first place winner. In order to decide the top 5 designs though we are going to assemble a panel of judges from Hurley, Volcom, and Channel Islands. As well as maybe one or two people that we feel are certified in young wise tail.
The first submittal!





