
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coolest Thing EVER

Blair is the man. He is a very, very good man. We see eye to eye on pretty much everything. Today he sent me an email, just like most days. Except this one was special. It included the link to an amazing website showcasing girls in yoga pants. Being a 17 year old kid I have thought that yoga pants (the nice tight stretchy ones that tend to really highlight contours) are an awesome invention. On any given morning you are guaranteed to find coffee shops bustling with women in stretchy yoga pants. It's a special site and I feel blessed to have grown up in this generation of stretchy yoga pants. Here are a few highlights from the site. Please, do yourself a favor and check it out. Here is the link.


  1. Thank you. Thank you so much

  2. LOL, fuck yeah. Conner knows whats up.

  3. some of these girls aren't exactly the most classy...

  4. what is JTS? fill us in on something hopefully awesome!

  5. wtf the most classy??? who is this guy???

  6. I'm a girl. a friend recommended your blog to me because you're funny guys and good surfers. Unfortunately i found myself looking at women in tight clothing, in bikinis, women filmed without knowing it etc. Women aren't just pieces of meat...

  7. and no i am not some butch femenist. i am from london so i hardly ever see the sea... so this was pretty much the first time i saw surfers who were not some exaggerated cartoon. i was just a bit disappointed.

  8. dang that stinks! And yes definitely see where you are coming from on that standpoint. Actually though, the way that site works is that they send in pictures of them self, which is definitely not the classiest thing to do. BUT, it is in there control so i think it lessens the piece of meat factor?

  9. "and no i am not some butch femenist."

    Not much of a speller either. If it was guys in their wetsuits you would be all over it. It's just a bit of fun, calm down. -KN

  10. Can you really blame a 12 and 17 year old for liking girls? Ive known these guys a while and know their mom did not raise them to think women are just pieces of meat. On a side note Conner, the yoga pants blog post was epic.

  11. sorry about my poor spelling.
    i admit, if it was guys i would probably love it. don't get me wrong i like the the rest of the blog, and half of the people i know are the type of girls whose aspiration in life is to post photos like this. sorry to sound really bossy in my last comment :)

  12. actually scrap that last comment ^^
    loads of women voluntarily become prostitutes all the time but does that lessen the piece of meat factor?
    and looking at men in wetsuits is okay because at least you can see their faces - if it was just a picture of a crotch, don't you think that would be a bit weird?
    when people obsess over megan fox or cheryl cole (people REALLY like her in england) its like at least they have pretty faces.

  13. Dear Girl from London Who's New to Non-Cartoon Surfers, so, even though you can't see my face in this photo, me in my towel does nothing for you?:

  14. p.s.--I'll let you in on a secret: Guys the globe over love a nice, soft, smooth, round derriere. We're just wired that way. So, if you have one and are looking to mate, yoga pants are a nice way for you to facilitate one of nature's mysterious biological impulses. Ta.

  15. Hahahaha, this little conversation here is hilarious
