
Friday, March 4, 2011

Todd Glaser

Today in the midst of the madness on the goldy and after socialising with way too many people last night we had a nice mellow lunch with our good buddy Todd Glaser. We hadn't seen him in so long and it was rad to catch up. We enjoyed an amazing kebab before checking out his latest work. Just before we left we were hanging in the garage of his hotel and he snapped this photo of parker, ryan, and i. Todd is a ridiculous photographer and we were super pumped when he sent this over to us. 


  1. Whoa this picture is amazing!

  2. Lookin good guys

  3. come to la jolla
    good waves, chill kids, hot girls yeww bah

  4. take that fucking black flag shirt off you stupid poser. you would get fucking destroyed at a show. i hate kids like you and kolohe that are sporting punk bands like they are some kind of trend. you think surfing puts you in some higher level. fuck you. go to sound and fury in santa barbara this summer and see if you still like wearing shirts like that.
